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Pile Rug

The Making of a Pile Rug
by Saundra (aka Needlelady)

*used with permission*

Here is the process for weaving a pile rug from woven chenille strips. I used the instructions found in the September/October 2002 issue of Handwoven as a guide. My chenille is made completely with thrums (the leftover yarn on the loom when a project is finished). I laid the thrums in the open shed in a random color order.

This  photo shows the chenille being woven on the table loom. Six strands of warp yarn are dented together and the warp is spaced about 1 inch apart. Woven in plain weave.

 This is the uncut blanket of chenille off the loom.

 Close-up of chenille off the loom.

Chenille after being cut apart into strips.


 In the process of weaving on the floor loom. The warp is 2 strands of rug warp sleyed at 6 epi


The rug taken off the loom. The edges have been serged and prepared for finishing.

Here is a close-up view to show details and colors. The pile is the same on the front and back of the rug.


The finished product -- a 17x18 inch thrum pile rug.

